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Empowered with Skills for Life

Second Step® K-12 programs for human skills development give educators the tools to help students build essential human skills—like fostering empathy, problem solving, and setting goals—so they can thrive in school and in life. 

The Second Step® Difference

The Second Step team is the trusted partner you need to make a difference for your students and support their well-being. As the leading curriculum provider that teaches kids the human skills they need, we found the sweet spot between research and practice to provide your school community with engaging, relevant, and holistic programs that can lead to a range of benefits for students.

  • Smiling girl wearing a yellow backpack and looking at the viewer through a magnifying glass.

    Five commitments to research quality and integrity set our programs apart with great experiences and positive student outcomes.

  • Smiling man with glasses pointing towards the viewer.

    We offer a range of support to provide you with an efficient and scalable implementation experience tailored to your needs.

  • 26 million.

    More than 26 million children in 45,000 schools in all 50 states and around the world benefit from our programs each year.

  • An opposing pair of yellow quotation marks.
    I really trust the Second Step® team to make sure my district's schools have exactly what they need to build stronger communities. Being part of a nonprofit, I know they care.

    Ryan Voegtlin, Director of Student Services, Anne Arundel County Public Schools

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  • A smiling face with a headset microphone.
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    See the full Second Step family of programs for PreK–Grade 12.

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